Medipig 라인업
01 Yucatan
- White hairless line suitable for transdermal drug research
- Used in congenital ventricular septal formation (VSD) Model
- SLA (Swine Leukocyte Antigen) type analysis corresponding to human MHC
(Major Histocompatibility Complex) has been completed.
02 Sinclair
- Easily distinguishable by hair color
- Various animal experiments available: Study of cardiovascular system,
musculoskeletal system, urogenital system, tumor, immunological model
reproductive disorder, malformation, skin disease, digestive system, respiratory
system, nutrition, digestion, etc. - A model for studying tumors through spontaneous malignant melanoma expression
03 Hanford
- White hairlessness suitable for skin-related research
- An important model for surgical research
- As it is very close in size to the human heart, it can be used as an important
vmodel for cardiovascular research.
The Excellence of Medipig
Securing excellent facilities and infrastructure
- Air conditioning system using HEPA filters
- Prevention of inflow of pollutants through All in/All out system
- Sterile water supply through triple-filter filtration and UV sterilization
- Prevention of cross-contamination through zone separation of production, development, and CRO facilities
Securing excellent facilities and infrastructure
- Breeding facilities that combine U.S. SRC's advanced disease model and animal development experience
- Maintaining three types of genetically fixed mini-pigs (only in Korea)
- Supply of raw material animals with minimal immune rejection
- Establishment of SLA (Swine Leukocyte Antigen) typing technology
The industry's best hygiene management system
- Free of over 40 viruses/bacteria
- Satisfying hygiene requirements for developing pigs for artificial organs
- Supplying sterile feed through irradiation (self-production of sterile feed)
- Securing the inspection system through the best disease analysis institute in Korea
Breeding Facility
DPF(Designated Pathogen Free) facility
Breeding Facility


CRO Animal Model
Animals Feed
Miniature Pig Diet
Rodent Diet