Products / Services

Opti PRRSV/PCV2 Multi-qPCR Kit (SWVM-013)

APQA Approved Product

The Opti PRRSV/PCV2 Multi-qPCR kit is a multiplex in vitro diagnostic reagent for the simultaneous diagnosis of pigs suspected of being infected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (North American and European types) and Porcine Circovirus Type 2.

  • Specimen types: pig blood, serum, tissue samples, etc.
  • Test duration: 50-70 minutes

No. Components Amounts Storage
1 qPCR mix (Taq DNA polymerase, RT mix, Primers & probe) 8 T x 12 Strips (96 test) -20°C
2 Positive control 100 μL, 1 Vial -20°C
  • Components qPCR mix (Taq DNA polymerase, RT mix, Primers & probe)
    Amounts 8 T x 12 Strips (96 test)
    Storage -20°C
  • Components Positive control
    Amounts 100 μL, 1 Vial
    Storage -20°C
Reporter dye
No. Target Reporter
2 PRRSV EU CalRed 610
3 PCV2 Cy5